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Pienna Apartments


Elevating a newly built home from what was initially perceived as a somewhat constrained and impersonal white canvas into a genuinely distinctive and deeply personal living space is the heart of this project. The focal point is a three-bedroom apartment on the 17th floor in Wembley that, at first glance, seemed to lack character.

We felt a fusion of Scandinavian aesthetics with a poignant nod to the clients’ Indian heritage would create the perfect backdrop to their new home, a unique blend that demanded careful consideration and innovative design solutions. To achieve this, we embarked on a journey that ingeniously divided the space using a combination of lush green plantings and subtle architectural elements, effectively creating ‘rooms within rooms’.

Every inch of the apartment was optimized for functionality and practicality, with storage solutions seamlessly integrated into the design. The end result is an environment that embodies the essence of light, openness, and warmth. The infusion of natural light, coupled with thoughtful design choices, has breathed life into this once ‘restrictive’ space, unveiling a harmonious blend of cultural influences and contemporary living that truly makes this apartment one-of-a-kind.