Art Deco Influence In Contemporary Design

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Exploring Art Deco Influence in Contemporary Design

The Art Deco movement, with its bold geometric patterns, luxurious materials, and vibrant colours, continues to influence contemporary design. Emerging in the 1920s and 1930s, Art Deco represents glamour, sophistication, and modernity. Today, we integrate these elements into contemporary interiors, creating spaces that are both timeless and cutting-edge.

Understanding Art Deco

Art Deco, short for Arts Décoratifs, originated in France and quickly spread worldwide. It marked a shift from the flowing, organic forms of Art Nouveau to clean lines, symmetry, and opulence. Key features include:

  • Geometric shapes and patterns: Think bold chevrons, zigzags, and stepped forms.
  • Bold, contrasting colours: Vibrant blues, emerald greens, and deep reds paired with gold, silver, and black.
  • Luxurious materials: Marble, brass, chrome, glass, and exotic woods.
  • Decorative elements: Sunbursts, stylised flowers, and ancient cultural symbols.
  • Influences from ancient cultures: Egyptian, Aztec, and Greek motifs.

Incorporating Art Deco into Contemporary Design

Blending these elements with contemporary design balances vintage charm and modern functionality. Here’s how you can do it:

1. Bold Geometric Patterns

Incorporating geometric patterns is a hallmark of Art Deco. We can integrate these patterns through wallpapers, tiles, and textiles. For example, a feature wall with a striking chevron pattern or a tiled floor with intricate geometric designs can add a touch of Art Deco flair to any modern space. Geometric rugs, throw pillows, and artwork can also introduce these patterns subtly.

2. Luxurious Materials

Art Deco is synonymous with luxury. High-quality materials like marble countertops, brass fixtures, and velvet upholstery elevate the elegance of contemporary interiors. These materials not only add opulence but also ensure durability and timeless appeal. Imagine a marble backsplash in your kitchen or brass accents in your bathroom to enhance the aesthetic without overpowering the overall design.

3. Rich Colour Palettes

Bold and contrasting colours are central to Art Deco design. Incorporate deep blues, rich greens, and vibrant golds into your contemporary spaces. Accent pieces such as cushions, rugs, or artwork can introduce these colours without overwhelming the space. A statement piece of furniture, like a velvet sofa in emerald green, can serve as a focal point, complemented by neutral walls and flooring.

4. Statement Lighting

Lighting plays a crucial role in this style. Incorporate statement lighting fixtures, such as chandeliers with geometric shapes or wall sconces with decorative motifs, to enhance the visual appeal of contemporary interiors. These pieces serve as functional art, providing both illumination and aesthetic interest. Consider a chandelier with crystal accents in your dining room or brass sconces in your hallway.

5. Streamlined Furniture

Art Deco furniture is characterised by its sleek lines and streamlined forms. Incorporate these elements through furniture pieces that are both functional and stylish. Think sofas with clean lines, lacquered wood finishes, and metal accents. Adding signature pieces, such as a coffee table or console, can instantly elevate the room’s style.

6. Decorative Accents

Small decorative accents can make a big impact. Mirrors with sunburst frames, metallic vases, and sculptural pieces inspired by ancient cultures can add a touch of Art Deco glamour to contemporary spaces. These accents serve as focal points, drawing the eye and adding depth to the design. Decorative items like these can be easily swapped out or updated, allowing flexibility and evolution in the decor.

Applying Art Deco in Modern Spaces

1. Luxurious Living Room

In a contemporary living room, we can introduce Art Deco elements through a geometric patterned rug, a velvet sofa in deep blue, and brass coffee tables. Statement lighting, such as a chandelier with crystal accents, adds a touch of glamour. Decorative pillows in contrasting colours and a sunburst mirror complete the look, blending vintage charm with modern comfort. Luxurious materials and bold patterns create a sophisticated yet inviting atmosphere.

2. Chic Home Office

A home office can benefit from the sophistication of Art Deco. Imagine a desk with lacquered wood and brass accents, paired with a leather chair in a rich hue. Geometric wallpaper on one wall adds visual interest, while sleek shelving units provide functionality. A statement lamp and decorative accessories, like an Aztec-inspired sculpture, bring the design together. This blend of functionality and style ensures the office space is both practical and inspiring.

3. Elegant Bathroom

In a bathroom, this influence can be seen in luxurious materials and bold patterns. Marble tiles with geometric inlays, brass fixtures, and a freestanding bathtub create an opulent atmosphere. A large mirror with a decorative frame and art pieces with ancient motifs add the finishing touches. This combination creates a spa-like retreat that is both timeless and modern.


The influence of Art Deco in contemporary design offers a unique blend of timeless elegance and modern sophistication. By incorporating geometric patterns, luxurious materials, rich colours, statement lighting, and streamlined furniture, we can create spaces that honour the past while embracing the future. Whether in a living room, home office, or bathroom, the elements of Art Deco can transform contemporary interiors into stylish, functional, and visually stunning environments.

At Thomas Vooght Design, we specialise in integrating classic design elements with contemporary aesthetics. Contact us today to explore how we can bring the timeless appeal of Art Deco into your modern space.

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